Use Studies for Periodical Collections BECKY@DELPHINUS.LIB.UMB.EDU 01 Mar 1993 21:31 UTC

I am interested in learning about the various methodologies used to
gather data for Periodical Use Studies.  Would be most appreciative
hearing from anyone involved in such an effort.  We are a Univ
library of about 3,000 currently rec'd periodical titles and wish to
perform a usage study in all subject areas (current & bound
backfiles).  Our periodicals DO NOT CIRCULATE. Am anxious to hear
from any of you who may be able to share some information here.
Thank you.

Becky Breedlove
Serial Acquisitions Librarian
Healey Library
UNIV of MASS@Boston
Ed. note:  We would, of course, welcome more discussion on this question.
However, for the benefit of those who might have missed it, there was a
discussion about use studies for periodical collections on SERIALST in
January.  I am appending an index of relevant messages from a recent
search through SERIALST's archives.   --Birdie

> search use studies in serialst since 12/92
> index
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
001814 93/01/07 11:17   15   Use Studies for Periodical Collections
001815 93/01/07 20:13   21   Use studies for Periodical collections
001817 93/01/08 20:11   42   Use Studies for Periodical Collections
001819 93/01/10 18:42   38   Re: Use Studies for Periodical Collections
001821 93/01/11 15:41   79   Use Studies for Periodicals Collections
001825 93/01/13 22:01   46   Use Studies for Periodical Collections
001837 93/01/26 09:54   47   RE: Use Studies for Periodical Collections