850 Field in Serials Format Sam A. Khosh-khui 30 Mar 1993 18:10 UTC

        This memo is cross posted in ATLAS-L, SERIALST and PACS-L.  My
        apologies for duplication.

        As part of our effort to clean up our local database, we are
        planning to delete certain unused fields from serials bib
        records.  One of the fields considered for deletion is the "850"
        [Holdings (CONSER Use Only)].  We are not a CONSER library and we
        have not used this field in the past.  Are there any non-CONSER
        libraries who have used this field for any applications?  If so,
        we would like to learn about such applications.

        Thanks in advance.

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *
        *                                                              *
        * Sam A. Khosh-khui, Ph. D.         BITNET: SK03@SWTEXAS       *
        * Serials Cataloging Librarian    INTERNET: SK03@nyssa.swt.edu *
        * Albert B. Alkek Library            PHONE: 512/245-2288       *
        * Southwest Texas State University     FAX: 512/245-3002       *
        * San Marcos, Texas 78666-4604                                 *
        *                                                              *
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **