Job announcement Kathleen B. Meneely 09 Mar 1993 22:27 UTC


This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in a high-
tech environment.  CWRUnet (the campus-wide network), and Law1
(the law school network) provide access to Internet and to a wide
variety of CD-ROMs, computer software, and online services.  Case
Western Reserve University also participates in OhioLINK, a
state-wide bibliographic database. In cooperation with the
University Libraries, the law library recently implemented
Innovative Interfaces online public catalog, circulation,
acquisitions and serials check-in systems.

The Serials Librarian will be responsible for completing the
conversion of serials check-in records to the automated system, and
for establishing procedures for the new system.  Serials are the
heart of the law library's collection with approximately 80% of the
total materials budget spent annually on serials and supplemented
monographs.  The Case Western Reserve University Law Library has
a staff of 29 (9 librarians, 14 support staff, 5 computer staff).

Requirements:   MLS from an ALA-accredited library school,
cataloging experience using AACR2, LC subject headings and
classification, MARC format and OCLC or other bibliographic

Duties:  Supervise daily operation of serials procedures
including serials check-in, binding, and maintenance of
subscriptions and standing orders.  Assist with completing the
conversion to an automated serials control system.  Catalog new
serials titles and participate in reclassification of serials.
Supervise serials support staff.

Compensation:  Competitive with excellent health, vacation,
education and retirement benefits packages.

Available:  Immediately

Apply to:  Tracy McGowan, Department of Human Resources, Case
Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH
44106-7047.  Applications received by March 22, 1993, will be
assured of consideration.

Case Western Reserve University is located in the University
Circle area of Cleveland, within easy walking distance of the
world-class Cleveland Museum of Art, Severence Hall (the home
of the Cleveland Orchestra), the Garden Center, Historical
Society and Natural History Museums.  The city of Cleveland
offers a wide range of activities for every interest, including
ballet, opera, restaurants, theaters, parks, a zoo, professional
sports, plus a variety of water activities on Lake Erie.

Kathleen B. Meneely                   (216) 368-3269
Collection Development Librarian      FAX: (216) 368-3008
Cleveland Health Sciences Library     E-MAIL:
Case Western Reserve University