Physical Review A query Birdie MacLennan 11 Mar 1993 17:29 UTC

Date:         THU, 11 MAR 93 10:34:44 JST
From:         Debra Wynn <DWYNN@JPNNUCBA>
Subject:      Physical Review A

Hi. We subscribe to Physical Review A and are a bit confused about this
journal.  The latest issue we have received is February 1993 but a note in
the preface to the December 15 issue has me stumped. It says "on Jan. 1,
1993 Physical Review A15 will become Physical review E (Physical Review A1
will become Physical Review A)... for convenience to users, the volume
sequence  used in the past will be continued so that Physical Review E
will be designated as volume 47 in January 1993." We then received
Physical Review A in January  (Atomic, molecular and optical physics)
which has the volume designation  vol. 47, no.1 and another for Feb.
(v.47,no.2) Whereas before, Physical review covered statistical physics,
plasmas, fluids, and related interdiscp. topics, it looks like its scope
has changed.

My questions after all this: shouldn't we be getting Physical Review E
now instead of A? It looks like the frequency has changed as well
(twice a month to monthly). Our subscription agent has sent us Physical
Review A (Did they miss a title change/scope change?)

My regular duties haven't included serials so I am not as up on serials as
I need to be. Thanks to anyone who can help. If this is of interest to
others, the answers can be posted on the list or you can reply directly.

Thanks a bundle.

Debra Wynn, Foreign Section Librarian
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration
Nishin-cho, Aichi-ken, 470-01 Japan