Beilstein and Gmelin Birdie MacLennan 12 Mar 1993 22:08 UTC

Date:    12 March 1993
From:    Gaele Gillespie <GGILLESP@UKANVM>

RE: Thomas Sanders' inquiry for info. on  _Beilstein_ and _Gmelin_ --

Thomas Sanders poses an intriguing question.  His request really isn't so
"highly specialized" that it would preclude active interest out here in
SERIALST-Land in the replies that he may receive.  Not only other serials and
acquisitions librarians would be interested in the responses to Mr. Sanders'
questions, but also all the science librarians that subscribe to this list.
Therefore, I sould like to voice a request that any answers either be posted
to the list or at least be summarized by Mr. Sanders for the list.

Thank you very much.

E. Gaele Gillespie / Asst. Head, Serials / University of Kansas Libraries