Serials Check-in John Reidelbach 12 Mar 1993 22:10 UTC

     Like many institutions we are currently involved in
reorganizing some of our serials and acquisitions functions.  An
administrative decision has recently been made to incorporate
functions currently performed in our serials division (i.e. ordering,
payment and claiming) into our present monographic acquisitions
division.  The acquisitions division has been assigned the task of
reporting back to the Administration with a preliminary recommendation by
April 9th on their plans for integration of these serials functions and
subsequent reorganization of the acq. division.

     What has not yet been determined is where to place serials check-in.
Two work groups have been assigned to independently examine the
advantages/disadvantages of reassigning the check-in function to
acquisitions.  The other possibility is to assign serials check-in to our
Biblographic Access Department where all serials cataloging is performed.
Our OPAC is Innovative Interfaces, and we also utilize their serials and
acquisitions components.

     As the professional in charge of the acquisitions division, I would
like to  make contact (via phone or e-mail) with anyone who wishes to offer
their advice about where serials check-in belongs and why.

John H. Reidelbach                  Internet:
Chair, Collection Management        Bitnet:
University Library                  Phone: (402) 554-2846
Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha          Fax:   (402) 554-3215
Omaha, NE 68182-0237