Position Description Birdie MacLennan 13 Mar 1993 01:41 UTC

Ed. note:  Header information was flushed from this message and we
are unable to identify the original sender.  Please refer to the USPS
address at the bottom of the message for more information.  -Birdie

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:         Fri, 12 Mar 1993 18:07:23 -0500
From:         Undetermined origin c/o Postmaster <POSTMASTER@UVMVM.BITNET>


Reporting to the director of Processing Services, responsible for the
management of the Serials and Monographic Receiving Unit consisting of
6+ paraprofessional and student assistant staff, and works closely with
the Fund Management Unit, the Cataloging Section, and the Collection
Development Department.  Assigns vendors and evaluates their
performance, and troubleshoots serials and monographic receiving
problems.  Will oversee, adjust workflow, and train staff for NOTIS
Release 5.1 which includes new serials check-in procedures.
Participates in the development of department-wide goals and objectives
and on committees formed by Library Administration, the Processing
Services Department, or the Librarians' Assembly.  Has the opportunity
to participate in collection development activities.

QUALIFICATIONS: Masters degree from an ALA-accredited library science
program; minimum of two years of acquisitions experience with serials
and/or monographs; effective interpersonal and communication skills.
Preferred: academic or research library experience and NOTIS experience.

SALARY/BENEFITS: $30,000 minimum, commensurate with experience and
qualifications; no state or local income tax, career advancement program;
benefits package including TIAA-CREF; health and life insurance; tuition
waiver.  Applications received by April 15, 1993 will receive first
consideration; position open until filled.

To apply, send letter of application, resume, and the names, titles,
addresses and telephone numbers of three references to:

Ferne Hyman, Assistant University Librarian
Fondren Library
Rice University
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX  77251-1892

Rice University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer