Re: Re-thinking Serials Librarianship (fwd) Marcia Tuttle 15 Mar 1993 04:58 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1993 15:50:45 CDT
From: "Charles Bailey, University of Houston"
Subject: Re: Re-thinking Serials Librarianship

I'd offer two brief thoughts.  First, there is no assurance that
noncommercial electronic publishers on the Internet will archive and make
public copies of their scholarly e-journals forever.  Do libraries have a
responsibility to preserve this information?  Second, if demand is heavy,
the noncommercial publisher's computer may not be up to the task of
meeting the retrieval needs of the entire Internet community.  Should
libraries help address this problem by offering access to this information
in a more distributed fashion?  My answer: "yes" to both questions.

Best Regards,

| Charles W. Bailey, Jr.             Voice: (713) 743-9804   |
| Assistant Director For Systems     Fax:   (713) 743-9748   |
| University Libraries               BITNET: LIB3@UHUPVM1    |
| University of Houston              Internet:               |
| Houston, TX 77204-2091             LIB3@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU     |
| Co-Editor, Advances in Library Automation and Networking   |
| Editor-in-Chief, The Public-Access Computer Systems Review |