Ordering information for Wired ANN ERCELAWN 07 Jul 1993 02:55 UTC

In a review of the publication Wired (same as Wired 1.2?) in a Pacs-L
posting dated Feb. 5, 1993, Steve Cisler cites the cost of a one year's
subscription as $19.95 U.S. or $45 overseas.  The ordering address he
gives is: Wired, 544 Second St., San Francisco, CA  94107.

Steve goes on to say that "librarians can request a free sample copy by sending
a self-addressed mailing label on your letterhead, and they have agreed
to accept requests from libraries via email.  Write to and let them know
which listserv, mailing list, or news group or BBS had the review. Write
info@wired.com." -- (item no. 7959, Pacs-L archives)

Ann Ercelawn