Re: Decentralized Serials Management (Floyd Ingram) ANN ERCELAWN 19 Oct 1993 18:52 UTC

Date: 19 Oct 1993 10:49:43 -0400
From: Floyd Ingram <fingram@CHAR.VNET.NET>
Subject: RE: Decentralized Serials Management

In our operation, ORDERING is handled by Acquisitions staff for Serials, and
CLAIMING and CHECK-IN processes are still handled by Serials staff.

Floyd Ingram
Head of Techmical Services
Johnson C. Smith University
> Date: 19 Oct 1993 07:29:09 -0600
> From: "Marian Dworaczek, Univ. of Saskatchewan (306)-966-6016"
> Subject: Decentralized Serials Management
> Can anybody comment on the pros and cons of decentralized
> online serials management?  We will be installing Innopac
> within the next 10 months and the decision was made to
> decentralize most (ordering, check-in and claiming) kardex
> operations.
> Marian Dworaczek
> Head, Acquisitions
> University of Saskatchewan Libraries