Standalone check-in systems (Sharon L. Nelson) Marcia Tuttle 25 Oct 1993 11:18 UTC

Please reply to Sharon Nelson, not to the list. -Marcia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 15:08:19 CDT
From: "Sharon L. Nelson" <>
Subject: Standalone check-in systems

 (Advance apologies if this is a FAQ or if you've already discussed this to
 I'm hoping someone can point me to some information on standalone PC serials
 checkin and claiming systems.  We are getting bounced off Faxon's SC-10 in
 January; Faxon's PC-based system looks attractive but we would like to look
 at other options before considering it.  We are a member of Illinet Online
 and there is no integrated serials module at present--thus our need for a
 standalone system.  Ideally, the software should be able to handle ca. 2000
 titles (allowing for growth) and run on a fairly standard PC (386/486, 4-8MB
 RAM, 200 MB drive, DOS 5.0).

 I have some articles from _Library Lit_ to look at but would like to supplement
 them with some "real world" comments.  My net capabilities are limited to
 e-mail at present but I should be able to access archives that can send files
 in e-mail format.

 Please reply directly to me, as I am not a member of this list.  Many thanks
 in advance for your help.

 Sharon L. Nelson, Systems Coordinator
 Oesterle Library, North Central College, Naperville, IL  60540
 AXVNCST@UICVMC.BITNET / (708) 420-3377