Re: "Should Librarians Become Publishers?" (Kathleen Thorne) Marcia Tuttle 26 Oct 1993 03:42 UTC

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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 16:59:52 PDT
From: kathleen thorne <>
Subject: Re: "Should Librarians Become Publishers?" (Marcia Tuttle)


It's a little far from the shores of the Pacific to Charleston ...
especially for half a day.  Since literally nothing of this sort
shows up out here, what are the chances of someone putting at least
a short synopsis of what happens at this half-day seminar onto
either Serialst or SOMEwhere on Internet?  I look at the lineup of
speakers, the agenda of topics, and yet again think of all the things
we on the west coast miss out on.

Please? We're interested, just can't afford the commute....

Thanks.    --Kathleen Thorne
             San Jose State Univ.