american cybercasting services (Mark Braden) Marcia Tuttle 26 Oct 1993 08:17 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 09:58:52 PDT
From: Mark Braden <marker@CHESHIRE.OXY.EDU>
Subject: american cybercasting services

This query has some time value, so reply promptly if you can to me.
However, this being a new product, others may find it interesting if
you are using it, or if you've studied it for your institution.  Hence,
send your testimonial to the Discussion Group if you've a story to tell.

Are any of you folk subscribing to the electronic version of various
newspapers/journals via the services of American Cybercasting?  They
package such papers as the LATimes for reading via USENET software
(e.g., rn or trn).  We looked at their brochures last January, and
were put off by their prices, among other considerations (Am.Cyb.
charged $1250 for the LATimes at colleges of our size, versus $430 for
the current year of paper issues).  An administrator has talked with
them again, and so we are giving them another look.

>>From hot and sunny SoCal (where I've never seen a brighter blue in the
sky--must be a wayward air mass from Big Sky country).

Mark Braden                             Internet:
Systems Librarian                       Facsimile: (213) 341-4991
Occidental College Library
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, California  90041-3392
(213) 259-2668
        "Sitting on chairs is an acquired habit, like smoking,
                and about as wholesome."
                                --Bernard Rudolvsky
These are my own thoughts       _Now I Lay Me Down To Eat_