Microfiche vs. Microfilm (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 01 Dec 1993 20:03 UTC

2 messages, 45 lines:

Date:         Wed, 1 Dec 1993 12:53:48 EST
From:         Kate Herzog, Univ. at Buffalo <UNLKH@UBVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Microfiche vs. Microfilm

Virginia Hansen asks about the pros and cons of fiche and film.  From
the collections perspective, microfilm is usually issued after the fact,
once a complete volume or year have been issued.  Microfiche allows for
simultaneous (or almost simultaneous) publication and is, therefore,
chosen when current subscriptions are either duplicated in microform or
heavily-used titles are replaced as soon as possible by a microform.
>From the users perspective, a heavily used title in microform of either
type is a burden.  Microfiche are more easily misfiled and, if an issue
takes more than one sheet, a microfiche is more likely to be incomplete.
Microfilm, on the other hand, will more likely be out of the drawer,
since, like a bound volume, the user must remove the whole thing, when
all he needs is an article from just one issue.  It is easier to refile
microfilm, easier to see it in the cabinet.  However, microfiche is
easier to duplicate (either fiche-to-fiche or onto paper format).

The answer to the question of preference is based largely on a library's
reader and reproduction facilities and also upon which format(s) of
microform are available for a given title and/or given run of years.
Not scientific, but true.

Kate Herzog
Director, Science and Engineering Library
University at Buffalo

Date:         Wed, 1 Dec 1993 12:48:25 -0600
From:         Vickey Baumli <0700647@NORTHWEST.MISSOURI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Microfiche vs. Microfilm

We much prefer fiche-the students only tie up (usually) one issue
at a time, instead of the whole year.  They also don't take up as
much space.  The only problem is that they do get lost-we have 100,000 sheets
and when they are lost, they are lost-we do have students "read" the most
used titles.  I think they do get used as bookmarks, etc, but for
the most part they are much much better than film (we have both)-
another plus is some of the most heavily used titles come quarterly,
so if your paper copies get damaged, you have the fiche quite