Microfiche vs. Microfilm (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 02 Dec 1993 02:04 UTC

2 messages, 54 lines:

Date:      Wed, 1 Dec 1993 15:23:07 EST
From:      K.T. Carr <CARR@nimue.hood.edu>
Subject:   RE: Microfiche vs. Microfilm

At Hood College we have an active subscription to approximately 600 titles
on microform.  We rely primarily on microfiche backfiles for our journals.
Fiche is the preferable format for our purposes because number one it is
much easier for the patron to use (much less staff instruction time.)  If
patron needs a December issue of say, "Advertising Age,' it is far easier
to simply pull the exact fiche card than it is to mount the reel and advance
to the end of the reel.

However, it is much easier TO LOSE a fiche card than a reel of film.
Another consideration may be the actual reader/printers.  Fiche r/p's
are less costly since they have no film motor (thus saving $$$ on service

Finally another advantage of fiche is that they can be shipped, in most
cases, quarterly - at least from UMI.  This is a big advantage when issues
of popular titles are missing.  There is a backup.

K.T. Carr
Hood College
Frederick, MD  21701

Date:         Wed, 1 Dec 1993 21:01:57 -0500
From:         Blaine E. Knupp <BEKNUPP@IUP.BITNET>
Organization: Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Subject:      Re: Microfiche vs. Microfilm

At our library we have over 1.5 million items of microforms in almost
all formats.

>From the patron's perspective, they would rather not use any microform,
fiche, film or whatever.  However, for ease of use, I think my patrons
prefer fiche over film.  Fiche provides somewhat easier access since you
can scan directly to a particular point rather than the sequential method of
film (Roughly analogous to computer disks vs. computer tape).

However, from an operations point of view, I prefer film.  Fiche is very
easy to misfile.  You can view the titles on the film boxes more easily
than the headers on fiche.  A fiche out of place is a fiche lost.  And,
my student assistants absolutely hate shelf reading the fiche drawers.

-- Blaine E. Knupp
   Serials Librarian
   Indiana University of Pennsylvania