(no subject) Birdie MacLennan 17 Dec 1993 01:00 UTC

The response I had to my two questions about bindery were very helpful. Thanks
again to all who responded (15 at last count).  Here is a summary:

QUESTION 1:  What do you do with errata that appears printed in a later issue?
At Wilkes, we have been searching for it, copying it, and taping it in.

The vast majority of respondents do NOT follow this practice.  In fact 13
said they never search for errata; that there is not enough time to do so.

The two libraries that do search for errata and then tip it in the corresonding
issue are *medical* libraries where concerns about dosages of medication are
a factor.

What many libraries do with errata is this:  If the errata comes as a loose
page in an issue and/or it is mailed separately by the publisher, then it is
*bound* in with the corresponding issue.  Eight of the 15 reporting libraries
follow this practice.

QUESTION 2:  What do you do with Indexes and Tables of Contents provided by the
journal?  (At Wilkes, we have taped them in *after* the volume was already

Five libraries reported that they do not attach these items to the bound
volume; but rather in one way or another just ignore them or gather them in a
separate file.

Eight libraries reported that they collect these materials and hold them for
binding at the time the journal issues are bound.

One library will tip them in after binding.

One library does pam binding of the indexes and tables of contents.

* * * * * * * * *

I expect to make some changes in local practice after reading all this!

Jo McClamroch
Serials Librarian, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA
