Re: IEE Proceedings NAME "Norman S. Medeiros" 10 Mar 1994 20:55 UTC


I ran across this same IEE problem a couple of weeks ago.  I looked at it
and immediately thought "title change."  However, when I checked in
OCLC, I noticed it hadn't changed, but the 246s were added.  OCLC's
Bibliographic Formats and Standards emphasizes "if in doubt, use the
existing record."  Yet AACR2 21.2A1 says, "in case of doubt, consider
the title proper to have changed."

So there you have it.  Although it *seems* to constitute a title change,
unless some brave soul in OCLC does something about it, I'm leaving it
as is.  I've seen too many "title changes" relegated to "title added entries."

At least you're not alone!

Norm Medeiros
Serials Associate
UMASS Dartmouth