Journal/serial prices J. Peter Thayer, SUNY Albany 11 Mar 1994 17:14 UTC

If anyone knows of articles and/or books about the serial/journal price
problem, please let me know.  I'm doing a paper on this particular issue.
Thank you.

J. Peter Thayer
SUNY Albany, School of Information Science and Policy
Albany, NY

ed. note:  One such source is the electronic newsletter, _Newsletter on
Serials Pricing Issues_.  To subscribe, send an email message to:
LISTSERV@GIBBS.OIT.UNC.EDU.  The body of your message should read:
SUBSCRIBE PRICES.  You can contact the editor, Marcia Tuttle
<> for more information.

Other printed sources with various and assorted articles include:
_Serials Review_, _Serials Librarian_, _Library Acquisitions:
Practice and Theory_.   There are a number of other sources that
I'm missing, no doubt.  Perhaps other SERIALST readers can supply
you with more, or different, sources.

Is there a particular aspect about the "serial/journal price problem"
you are investigating?

Good luck!

Birdie MacLennan
University of Vermont
SERIALST Moderator/Listowner, etc.