Journal Selection/Deselection (Deborah Broadwater) ANN ERCELAWN 01 Apr 1994 17:45 UTC

Date: Fri, 01 Apr 1994 10:23:13 -0600 (CST)
From: Deborah Broadwater <deborah.broadwater@MCMAIL.VANDERBILT.EDU>
Subject: Journal selection/deselection

     We are interested in determining what criteria other libraries use to
     weed their journal collections.  We are a medium-sized medical library
     with approximately 2070 current subscriptions.  Last year, we did a
     six month use study and the results were used to actually cancel
     "little used" titles.  We would like to know how other libraries
     handle selection/deselection of journals.

     Please respond directly to me:

     Deborah Broadwater
     Acquisitions Librarian
     Vanderbilt University
     Eskind Biomedical Library
     Nashville, TN  37232-8340
     Phone: (615) 936-1394 FAX: (615)  936-1384