Committee to Study Serials Cataloging Midwinter Minutes ANN ERCELAWN 11 Apr 1994 21:22 UTC

                ALCTS -- SERIALS SECTION


Ann Vidor, Chair, convened the Midwinter meeting of the
Committee to Study Serials Cataloging on Monday, Feb. 7.  Regina
Reynolds, Acting LC Liaison, reported the loss of 13 staff in
the Serial Record Division at the end of 1993 due to
retirements, among them Dorothy Glasby. Questions formerly
directed to Glasby may now be e-mailed to

Other developments at LC include the appointment of Barbara
Tillet as the new head of CPSO, a proposed change in LC's
treatment of series and multipart items, several proposed
revisions to rule interpretations for uniform titles, and
expansion of whole serials cataloging. In CONSER news, Jean
Hirons announced that the first update of the _CONSER Cataloging
Manual_  is now available for purchase, and that a new edition
of the _CONSER Editing Guide_ will be published this year.

Jean Altschuler reported on the highlights of CC:DA meetings,
and Altschuler and Reynolds reported on the status of various
MARBI discussion papers and proposals.

The Committee considered questions regarding the choice of
qualifiers in uniform titles for serials submitted by Enrique
Gildemeister.  After considerable discussion, Reynolds indicated
that LC will issue a revised draft of R.I. 25.5B with emphasis
on greater latitude in the choice of uniform title qualifiers.

Vidor announced that two regional serials cataloging institutes
are being planned, one in Atlanta in April 1995, and a second in
San Francisco later in the fall.  A tentative list of topics for
the institutes includes: cataloging computer files, legal
serials, and multimedia titles, interpreting older records, and
controversies in serials cataloging.

--submitted by Ann Ercelawn, Committee Intern


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