Survey of Gopher archives for E-Journals Donnice Cochenour 26 Apr 1994 21:38 UTC

In January/February, 1994 we posted a message with 5 questions to three
listservs asking libraries who are using Gopher software to provide access to
electronic journals to tell us whether they are downloading the files or are
using Gopher to "point" to files available at other Gopher sites.  The
responses received were as follows:

2 Consortium sites responded:   1 is pointing to CICNet Collection
                                1 is CICNet (600+ titles locally archived)

9 libraries responded that they are pointing to other locations; no files are
being maintained locally.

5 libraries are downloading some files (ranging from 3 - 14 titles); most
indicated that their efforts were considered experimental; one member of the
CICNet consortium indicated intentions to stop maintaining local files soon.

4 sites responded that they are maintaining local files for at least one
title as the official archive site.

Thanks to everyone who responded.
Donnice Cochenour                                    (303) 491-1821 (voice)
Serials Librarian                                      (303) 491-1195 (fax)
Colorado State University Libraries
Ft.Collins, CO  80523              Internet:
Tom Moothart
Colorado State University Libraries
214 Morgan Library
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523