TTY phone services Susan M. Davis 29 Apr 1994 21:39 UTC

The serials staff at Gallaudet University Library are working with
Faxon to set up TTY phone service at Faxon so that our deaf staff can
communicate with Faxon staff in an efficient and timely manner.  (A
TTY is a telephone that uses typed text instead of voice for
communication.)  Faxon has been very receptive to this idea, and is
taking steps to institute this service.  One of the major questions
for them is, where in the organization should the TTY phones be

We at Gallaudet would like to know how many other serials
departments/units have deaf or hard of hearing staff who
require/prefer using a TTY for phone communication.  We will pass this
information on to Faxon to help them decide how to set up their TTY

Please respond directly to me.  Thanks in advance.

Susan M. Davis
(The Other Susan Davis)