Conference on Libraries and the NII Anne Harrison 02 Nov 1994 18:21 UTC

To subscribers of SERIALST:


       December 5 and 6, 1994 will be the dates for a one-and-a-half
day Conference on "Libraries and the National Information
Infrastructure" to be sponsored in Washington, DC by the CAPCON
Library Network.

       The Conference will begin on the morning of December 5 with a
session focussing on broad perspectives on the NII.  Speakers at
this session will be:

       Paul Evan Peters, Executive Director of the Coalition for
              Networked Information

       Kenneth Kay, Executive Director of the Computer Systems Policy

       Link Hoewing, Executive Director of External Relations for
              Bell Atlantic

       Sonia Jarvis, former Executive Director of the National
              Coalition on Black Voter Participation

       The morning program will be capped off by Toni Carbo Bearman,
Dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at
the University of Pittsburgh and a member of the U.S. Advisory
Council on the National Information Infrastructure.

       The luncheon speaker on December 5 will be Thomas Kalil,
Director for Science and Technology to the National Economic
Council.  Following lunch and Mr. Kalil's address, the afternoon
session will focus on the role of legislation and government in the
evolution of the NII. Speakers include:

       Robert Gillespie of Robert Gillespie Associates

       Prue Adler, Assistant Executive Director for External
              Relations, Association of Research Libraries

       Elaine Albright, Director of Libraries at the University of
              Maine and Chair of the ALA Legislation Committee's Ad Hoc
              Subcommittee on Telecommunications

       The afternoon program will be concluded with a presentation by
Peter Young, Executive Director of the National Commission on
Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS).

       The Conference will continue onto the morning of December 6,
at which time the program will focus specifically on the role of
libraries of all types -- academic, public, special, school, state,
and national -- in the emerging NII.  The speakers will be:

       Suzanne Thorin, Chief of Staff; Library of Congress

       Patricia Wand, University Librarian, American University

       Jean Armour Polly, Manager of Network Development and User
              Training, NYSERNET

       Maurice Travillian, State Librarian and Assistant
              Superintendent for Libraries, Maryland State Department
              of Education

       Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services

       Paula Montgomery, publisher of School Library Media Activities

       The "Libraries and the NII" Conference will be held at the
Quality Hotel in Silver Spring, Maryland, just across the DC
border, with easy access by Metro as well as having ample parking
available.  Registration fees for the entire Conference are $105
for CAPCON members and $125 for non-members.  Partial conference
registration rates are also available for those wishing to attend
only part of the Conference.

          CAPCON cannot accept registrations for the conference over the
Internet.  To request a brochure with the full program and registration
details, call CAPCON at 202-331-5771 or send an e-mail message to  Requests sent via e-mail should include the requestor's
surface mail address.  You may also obtain course and registration
information by sending a written request to the following address:

CAPCON Library Network
1320 19th Street NW,  Suite 400
Washington DC   20036-1679
FAX:  202-797-7719