Serials Cataloger Job Posting (Auburn University) KERRY RANSEL 09 Nov 1994 23:57 UTC

Announcement is being cross-posted; please excuse any duplication.

                          POSITION ADVERTISEMENT

SERIALS CATALOGER:  Duties involve primary responsibility for the
cataloging of serials and volumes in analyzed series, primarily in
the humanties, special collections and non-traditional formats.
The cataloger in the position will report to the head of the
Serials Department, one of six departments of the Circulation and
Technical Services Division.  QUALIFICATIONS: Required:  ALA-
accredited MLS: strong academic record; strong communication
skills.  DESIRED:  Work experience with cataloging, serials and/or
non-traditional formats; reading knowledge of one or more European
languages; NOTIS experience; appropriate subject expertise; a
record of scholarly, professional, and research activity.  Research
and publication are required for tenure.  Offers of employment are
contingent upon the verification of the individual's eligibility
for employment in the United States.  The salary minimum is
$29,560, higher with experience, with appointment as Librarian II
(Assistant Professor); twelve-month appointment; faculty status but
not professorial titles; eligibility for tenure; participation in
state teachers' retirement (mandatory); TIAA or other additional
voluntary retirement plans available; twelve days sick leave;
health/life/disability insurance benefits; twenty days annual
leave.  Application review process begins January 5, 1995.
Position open immediately; starting date negotiable.  Complete
application must include resume, undergraduate and graduate
transcripts (photocopies will be accepted initially), and names and
addresses of at least three current references.  APPLY TO:  Thomas
R. Sanders, Chairperson.  Serials Cataloger Search Committee, Ralph
Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University, AL  36849-5606.  Auburn
University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.