Re: Vendors Johanna Bowen 15 Nov 1994 03:08 UTC

In reply to Jeanette Skwor:

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At least 10 years ago, if not longer, our regional vendor was bought by Ebsco
and thus they became our vendor. We have had excellent service. I don't
personally have very much to do with it because my well trained and independent
staff only bring me problems and there are virtually none from this Vendor.
When they make mistakes, they correct them. When they say they will call back,
they do.  When we initially asked for special reports by fund codes unique to
our Collection Development purposes, they obliged us. When the CD librarian
asked for a floppy of the Ebsco data, they started sending her one.  When I
once asked for a specialized, tailored billing for a precise amount of money
(don't ask) they eagerly set a programmer/analyst to the task of creating the
list out of our own subscription sub-set.  We have very few foreign titles. In
short, we are satisfied.

Johanna Bowen,  Coordinator for Technical Services
Memorial Library
SUNY College at Cortland
Cortland NY 13045
bitnet:   bowen@snycorva    internet:

phone:    607-753-2970   Fax:    607-753-5669