New Journal/Serials Process (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 18 Nov 1994 19:16 UTC

2 messages, 107 lines:
Please reply to Terry Schiissler <schiissl@uregina1.bitnet>.  -ed.

Date:         Fri, 18 Nov 1994 11:17:16 CST
Comments:     Resent-From: Terry Schiissler <SCHIISSL@UREGINA1>
From:         Terry Schiissler <SCHIISSL@UREGINA1.BITNET>
Subject:      New Journals/Serials Process

  Below is my request from about a week ago.  I thank all those
that have sent me replies.  I had expected more replies and am concerned
that I have possibly scared people by asking for all details of the
Serials Review process.  I would be happy with any details that any of you
can provide.  These would include those items that you think are unique
to your library.  I guess you could call this a request for general information
rather than the exact information I requested.

  Once again I thank everyone in advance for your ideas.

Terry Schiissler, Subscription Supervisor
Library Serials Department
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan
CANADA       S4S 0A2
Tel: (306) 585-4409
FAX: (306) 585-4878
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
    We are a small academic library in Canada (total subscriptions about
3,300 and serials/continuations 1,000).  We have a Serials Review Committee
which meets irregularly 2 - 3 times per year (usually towards the end of
the calendar year).  These meetings are to discuss the rejection or
acceptance of new periodical/serial purchases.  My question is - do other
libraries especially academic libraries have the same procedure.  We would
be interested down to the most minute detail as to the structure, guidelines
as to how your committee operates.

    What are your criteria for accepting or rejecting new requests
e.g. - must you have a sample copy
     - is a letter/memo of support from the faculty required
     - is the fact that the title is indexed or not an important factor
     - if a title has to go before your committee if it exceeds or is
       below or above a certain dollar level before it even has to presented.

As I indicated we would be interested in the most minute details you can
provide -- which would be gratefully accepted as we look to revamp our own

Feel free to post to the list or directly to my attention.

Many thanks in advance.

Terry Schiissler
Subscription Supervisor
Library Serials Department
University of Regina
Regina, Saskatchewan    CANADA

Date:         Fri, 18 Nov 1994 09:34:57 CST6CDT
From:         "Lowell A. Walters" <LAW@NWC.EDU>
Subject:      Re: New Journals/Serials Process

Our criteria for new titles at Northwestern College (St Paul, MN) is
as follows...

1.  In practically all cases the request is faculty initiated.
2.  The title must be indexed in at least one index to which we
3.  It's description should lead one to believe that it will support
     specific courses.
4.  The title should have approached or filled the copyright limits
      ordained by the MINITEX clearance center.
5.  The title should not be held widely by other local institutions.

Other considerations...
-  Can we drop another title to pick up this one?
-  Can we get it cheaper by getting a direct subscription?
-  Has the request been submitted before?

1.  I accept requests and do research for pricing, holdings, etc.
2.  The requests are brought before the whole library staff of 7
      (paraprofessionals included) twice a year.
3.  The staff as a whole looks at criteria and needs and selects.
4.  I initiate the subscription and contact the faculty to inform
     them of our decisions and the reasoning behind the determined action.

Some facts...
We are a private evangelical  Christian institution of about 1200 students.
We subscribe to @ 375 titles.
We have dropped more low-use titles than we have acquired new
      scholarly ones.
Many administrators pay no heed to the reality of rising periodical

Lowell Alan Walters
Reference/Serials Librarian
Northwestern College
3003 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN  55113-1598
(612) 631-5686