Fiske Icelandic Collection (Patrick J. Stevens) Birdie MacLennan 21 Nov 1994 20:09 UTC

Please send any questions or inquiries to Patrick J. Stevens; not to SERIALST.
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 13:06:44 -0500
From: (Patrick J Stevens)

21 November 1994

  The Fiske Icelandic Collection, a special collection in the Division of
Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library, has for some
ninety years been devoted to the acquisition and cataloguing of monographs
and serials covering the spectrum of Icelandic studies. Today, the
Collection contains virtually comprehensive holdings of publications issued
in Iceland or written in Icelandic before 1930, and has continued a very
active selection policy since then. Ongoing acquisitions include
significant coverage of contemporary women's issues, political science,
history, biography and genealogy, geography, and natural sciences as well
as Old Norse and modern Icelandic language and literature. The Fiske
Collection is one of the three most prominent repositories of Icelandic
materials in the world and the largest outside of Iceland and Denmark.

  To facilitate access to the Collection, an electronic mail address was
established in the spring of 1994. Librarians, researchers and scholars may
send queries relating to the Collection's holdings to FISKEREF@CORNELL.EDU.
The Fiske Collection welcomes reference questions that may be answered with
the Collection's extensive resources, including enquiries of
bibliographical and biographical nature.

Patrick J Stevens

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Fiske Icelandic Collection    *
* Division of Rare and          *
*     Manuscript Collections    *
* 2B60 Kroch Library            *
* Cornell University Library    *
* Ithaca  New York 14853-5302   *
* (Reference queries welcome    *
*                               *
* Patrick J Stevens, curator    *
*              *
* (607) 255-3530 voice          *
* (607) 255-9524 fax            *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *