UKSG 18th Annual Conference (Will Wakeling) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 28 Nov 1994 23:13 UTC

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 1994 18:39:07 +0000 (GMT)
From: Will Wakeling <WAKELIWM@LIB.BHAM.AC.UK>
Subject: UKSG Annual Conference 1995

        UK Serials Group 18th Annual Conference and Exhibition

                University of Exeter 3-5 April 1995


The venue for the 18th Annual Conference is the new Peter Chalk
Centre at Exeter University.  Following extensive consultation, the
format of the Conference has been streamlined to take place over
three days with increased time available for exhibition viewing. A
full programme has been planned providing the range and depth of
coverage for which UKSG is renowned.

Major sessions will cover the changing economic environment, looking
at the economics of scholarly publishing, document delivery and the
allocation of budgets in both academic and special libraries; and the
serials life cycle covering the links between academics and
publishers, usage of serials, deselection and relegation.

Additionally there will be an opportunity to attend two of the
workshops.  Topics for 1995 are broad-ranging and will include
electrocopying, procurement and tendering, recruitment, bibliographic
control of serials, licensing CD- ROMs, service level agreements and
serials in the special library.

The Conference will feature the regular extensive exhibition of
publishers, agents, binders and other organisations, with plenty of
opportunity built into the programme for viewing. Whilst the
intellect is well catered for, the programme does not ignore the
social aspects of a good conference.  There will be an optional
Sunday night with dinner included, and (for those who are familiar
with the Exeter campus) a courtesy bus from the accommodation to the
Peter Chalk Centre.

Programmes will be available at the end of the year.

Full residential fee:  #160.00 sterling + Value Added Tax for members
                       #185.00 sterling + VAT for non-members

Day and part residential rates also available.

For further details on delegate and exhibition bookings contact:

Jill Tolson, UK Serials Group Administrator
114 Woodstock Road
Witney  OX8 6DY  UK
Tel:    +44 01993 703466
Fax:    +44 01993 778879