LAPT Call for Reporters (Carol Hawks) Ann Ercelawn 06 Jun 1995 01:37 UTC

Date: Mon, 05 Jun 1995 18:51:54 -0500
From: Carol Hawks <chawks@TOP.MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU>
Subject: LAPT Call for reporters

**Please reply to Carol Hawks (, not to SERIALST. --ed.

_LAPT_ has always made an effort to cover many of the programs and
discussion groups at the ALA conferences related to our scope.
Some of these brief reports are written by members of the editorial
board.  However, a number of meetings for which I would like to
provide a report are still available and I am soliciting your help
and interest in covering any of these programs and discussion

Reports are published much like the Review Section in _LAPT_.  The
reports are published in a single combined article with each report
having a separate byline.  Each author receives reprints and proofs
of their section for review.  Reports are generally 2-6 double-
spaced pages depending on the content of the meeting covered.  In
some cases, lengthy programs might warrant longer reports.

If you are interested in covering any of the programs and
discussion groups which follow, please respond via e-mail
( as soon as possible.  Your finished report would
be due to me on 7-15-95.  Two printed copies are needed plus a copy
on disk in ASCII format or preferably WordPerfect 5.1.  Sample
reports appear in recent issues of the journal.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Carol Pitts Hawks                                                *
Head, Acquisition Department                                     *
Editor, _Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory_                *
The Ohio State University Libraries                              *
1858 Neil Avenue Mall                                            *
Columbus, OH 43210-1286                                          *
Internet:                                        *
Phone: 614-292-6314                                              *
Fax: 614-292-2015                                                *


     1.   Reference Book Reviewing Workshop -- sponsored by RASD
          CODES -- Friday, June 23, 8:30-5:00 -- Hyatt Regency


     1.   When Selectors Collide:  The Challenge of
          Interdisciplinary Scholarship for Collection Development
          -- sponsored by ALCTS CMDS -- Sun., June 25, 9-11 a.m. --
          Hyatt, Toronto

     2.   Librarians Riding the Bear: Keeping Pace with Russian
          Publishing -- sponsored by ACRL -- Sun., June 25, 2-4
          p.m. -- Hyatt, Columbus K/L

     3.   Who are We Buying This for Anyway: Users Point of View --
          sponsored by RASD CODES -- Sunday, June 25, 2-4 p.m. --
          Embassy, River North

     4.   Reading Between the Lines: Reviews in the Selection
          Process -- Mon., June 26, 8:30-11

     5.   To CD or Not to CD: That is the Question: Electronic
          Reference Publishing, Collection Development, and Service
          in the 1990s -- Mon., June 26, 8:30-11 -- MCC, E265

     6.   European Connections: Electronic Resources for Western
          Europe -- Mon., June 26, 9-11:30

     7.   Collection Developemnt:  Shifting Paradigms in Childrens
          Services -- Mon., June 26, 9-11

     8.   MARC Format for Holdings Data: An Implmentation Status
          Report by Local Systems Vendors, Utilities, and Libraries
          -- LITA/ALCTS -- Mon., June 26, 9:30-11

     9.   Educating Collection Developers: In the Classroom or On
          the Job? -- ALCTS CMDS -- Mon., June 26, 2-4 p.m. -- MCC,

Discussion Groups

     1.   LITA/ALCTS Interest Group on Serials Automation --
          Sunday, 6/25, 9:30-11 -- MCC, E272 D

     2.   ALCTS Pre-order and Pre-catalog Search Discussion Group -
          - Monday, 6/26, 2-4 -- MCC, E352

     3.   ALCTS CMDS Collection Development Librarians of Academic
          Libraries Discussion Group -- Saturday, 6/24, 2-4; MCC,

     4.   ALCTS SS Research Libraries Discussion Group
          Saturday, 6/24, 9:30-11; Hyatt, Picasso

     5.   RASD CODES Collection Management & Development in Public
          Libraries -- Sunday, 6/25, 4:30 - 5:30 -- MCC, E253A

     6.   ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services -- Sunday,
          6/25, 4:30 - 5:30 -- Stouffer Rivere, Riviere BR

     7.   ALCTS Out of Print Discussion Group -- Sunday, 6/25, 2-4
          -- Palmer, Parlor C

     8.   ALCTS AS Acquisitions Topics in Large Public Libraries --
          Monday, 6/26, 8:00-9:00 -- Hyatt, Stetson Ste D

     9.   ALCTS CMDS Cooperative Collection Development -- Sunday,
          6/25, 9:30 - 11:00 -- Palmer, Parlor C