Re: Waste of our subscription dollars (Pamela Matthews) Birdie MacLennan 09 Jun 1995 14:19 UTC

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 13:49:37 -0500
From: Pamela Matthews <matthepa@GRIFFON.MWSC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Waste of our subscription dollars (4 messages)

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem!

*My* biggest problem is with National Register Publishing, who not
only sends us "renewal" notices for items we don't have on
standing order, but who sends us *four* copies of each -- each of
the four has a slightly different permutation of our library or
college name.... (e.g., one's LRC Hearnes and one's Missouri Western
and one's MO Western.)

I'm noticing that any publishers who are lurking around are being
very quiet indeed, BTW.

Pam Matthews
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Missouri Western State College
phone: 816-271-4571