Humorous Publisher Farewells Melissa Hartley 10 Jun 1995 03:37 UTC

          To continue this humorous thread (after all it is Friday

          I think the title Golf Digest is unappetizing.  Conversely,
          my favorite corporate author is The National Potato Chip

          Favorite subject headings that come to mind: Dancing mice,
          Fingernails in Rabbinical Literature, Rabbits--Psychology,
          and the infamous Cookery (Worms).  When I was doing a lot of
          subject authority work, I once composed a poem about spring
          made of subject headings.  Then I realized perhaps I was
          getting eccentric in a way I didn't like, and didn't show it
          to anyone.  I later threw it away.

          My favorite coincidences in the author-subject category in
          our library are a volume of sea poetry by Frothingham, and
          Tourist Attractions in the USSR by V. Braginski.

[Melissa Hartley <hartleym@CCMAIL.ORST.EDU>]