Humorous Journal Titles (was Humorous Publisher Farewells) Jane Thompson 558-8310 12 Jun 1995 16:59 UTC

I think the humorous journal title dissussion will take off--many of
us are in the throes of yet another painful cancelation project, and a
little lightness helps! My favorite journals reflect our medical
collection. Tops are: Disease-a-Month (for the hard-to-shop-for),
Perfumer & Flavorist (for the Martha Stewart crowd), Physical Review
(for the prurient), and Scalpel & tongs (for the Civil war surgeon). I like to
think about the interior messages described in Cellular Signaling, and wonder
about how you practice Infant Mental Health. I respond to the directness of the
one-word titles, such as Gut, Blood, Bone, Lung, Cell, Eye, Gene (does
anyone else call this one Autrey?). My funniest story (well, one of
them) involves a journal named Contraception. Someone came into my
office asking about current issues, and as we headed for the stacks, I
unthinkingly said, "Hmmm, Contraception--we've had a lot of trouble
with that here lately."  Immediately I heard a low chuckle behind me.

Thank goodness, serials work is still fun!

[Jane Thompson <Jane.Thompson@UC.EDU>]