ALA Annual: Meetings & Announcements (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 13 Jun 1995 20:14 UTC

3 messages, 114 lines:
1.  ALCTS Serials Section Research Libraries Discussion Group
2.  SISAC (Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee) Meetings
3.  BACKSERV Invitation & Update

Date:         Tue, 13 Jun 1995 14:43:00 EST
From:         Gene Dickerson <DICKERSON@VUVAXCOM.BITNET>
Subject:      SS Research Libraries Discussion Group

The ALCTS Serials Section Research Libraries Discussion Group will be meeting
at the American Library Association Conference in Chicago on Saturday, June 24,
from 9:30-11:00 AM.  As this is a discussion group, I'd like to use the forum
as an opportunity for serials librarians to get together and really have a
discussion (as opposed to the lecture-audience format).

I'm interested in suggestions from SERIALST readers as to what topics you'd
like to discuss at the Chicago meeting.  Even if you are unable to attend the
meeting, please feel free to submit a discussion topic.

Please send your suggestions to me at my address listed below.  I will post an
annoucement to SERIALST later with further details.

We will also need to elect a new chair for 1996 and a new
vice-chair/chair-elect for 1996/1997.  If you are interested in having your
name appear on the ballot, please contact me.

I'm looking forward to your suggestions.

Gene Dickerson

Eugene H. Dickerson                    "A hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich."
Serials Librarian
Falvey Memorial Library
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085-1683

Date:         Tue, 13 Jun 1995 12:13:02 EDT
From:         Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject:      SISAC Meetings at ALA
Comments: To:,,


              SISAC (Serials Industry System Advisory Committee)
                 "The SISAC Cycle - From Order to Check-In"
                       General Meeting and Discussion
        Monday, June 26, 4:30-6:00 p.m., McCormick Place Complex, E350

SISAC members, non-members and friends - in particular, representatives
of libraries and ILS vendors - are invited and encouraged to attend the
General Meeting of SISAC at ALA in Chicago.  There will be an informal
discussion of SISAC's achievements thus far in developing and testing a
wide range of standards for the serials business cycle, as indicated in
the title of the session.  Brainstorming and planning for widespread
implementation and future SISAC efforts will also be stressed.  In
particular, we will explore how best to present information to ILS
vendors and libraries at an educational meeting being planned prior to
ALA Midwinter in San Antonio.  Please bring your questions and ideas;  we
need you to get involved and help us!

In addition, SISAC is co-sponsoring a program on Tuesday, June 27, 9:30
a.m.-12:30 p.m., McCormick Place Complex, E258, on the topic:  "Why EDI?
What Managers Need to Know to make Informed Judgements about Electronic
Data Interchange."  And SISAC members are asked to bring their lunch and
their ideas to the Publicity and Education Subcommittee Meeting on
Saturday, June 24, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Hyatt Regency, Skyway 264.

SISAC also announces an Introductory Membership Rate to first-time
commercial and non-profit organization SISAC subscribers at half the cost
of the annual rate.  And to access SISAC information on the Web, check
our new permanent homepage at the following URL:

For further information, please contact SISAC Publicity and Education
Subcommittee Co-Chairs, Joyce McDonough (212-854-4764),;  or Amira Aaron (617-860-7224),

** This message has been cross-posted;  please excuse any duplication **

Date:         Tue, 13 Jun 1995 12:07:06 EDT
From:         Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject:      BACKSERV Invitation & Update
Comments: To:,

Once again we are pleased to issue an invitation to attend the BACKSERV
OPEN HOUSE at ALA in Chicago.  It will be held on Sunday, June 25th, from
4:00-5:00 p.m. at the Readmore Booth #2208.  Come meet your fellow
Backserv colleagues, enjoy some chocolate tennis balls, pick up a button
or two, and learn more about the Backserv back issues and duplicate
exchange project!

We are also pleased to announce that the complete range of Backserv
resources is now available on the World Wide Web from our homepage at the
following URL:  Here you may search the
Backserv archives (last 8 weeks), browse and search back issue dealers'
catalogs (including Jerry Alper, G. H. Arrow and USBE), and send online
order/information request forms.  And if you don't see the back issue
dealer of your choice on Backserv, ask them to participate by contacting
us at ALA!

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago.  Thank you for your continued
interest and participation.

Amira Aaron ( and Marilyn Geller
(,          Co-Administrators, Backserv

**This message has been cross-posted;  please excuse any duplication **