Claiming : informal chat over a cup of coffee? Scott Wicks 16 Jun 1995 15:29 UTC


I would like to propose that anyone with innovative ideas or lack thereof
join me to discuss what I feel to be a process gone awry (at least, for me
and my staff!)

I'd like to hear what others have tried that may have succeeded--improved
their success, decreased the amount of tedious work, OR what has failed
miserably (so I don't try the same thing here.)

My staff place approximately one claim for each eleven issues received.  I
feel that this is high, but high compared to what?  I have 1.5 FTE devoted
exclusively to claiming and claim follow-up.  Last fiscal year (July-June),
we checked in approximately 120,200 serial issues and placed nearly 11,200
claims.  (First, second, and third claims included).

I plan to devote a segment of my attention to serials claiming this summer
and hope that a lively discussion with my colleagues will serve as a

Any takers?

Please respond to me privately with any free time slots you may have and
I'll attempt to identify a time and place convenient to most.

Thank you.

--Scott Wicks

                        Scott B. Wicks                      *
                 Acquisitions Librarian              *
            Cornell University Library       *
                    110A Olin Library          *
                          Ithaca, NY              *
                       14853-5301        *
                              ____            *
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