Electronic Green Journal Pollastro Mike 22 Jun 1995 02:30 UTC

Please forgive the duplication caused by cross-posting of the
following to several library and environmental listservs.  Please
feel free to forward this posting to any individual or list that
would be interested in it.

The University of Idaho Library announces the availability of a
special issue Earth Day Edition of the second volume of the

The ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL is a professional refereed
publication devoted to disseminating information concerning
sources on international environmental topics including:
assessment, conservation, development, disposal, education,
hazards, pollution, resources, technology, and treatment.
Environmental issues  frequently cross national borders; therefore,
our journal encourages the international sharing of environmental
expertise. The journal serves  communities as an educational
environmental resource, and includes both  practical and scholarly
articles, bibliographies, reviews, editorial  comments, and
announcements.  We are academically sponsored; however, our
focus is for the educated generalist as well as the specialist.

Advertisements are accepted at a rate of $150/screen (24 lines x 70
characters/line) or portion thereof for commercial organizations and
$75/screen for non-profit organizations.  Text or images can be
accommodated.  Links to home pages of publishers and other advertisers
can also be arranged for $25/link.

Preferred access to the journal is on the Worldwide Web. Point your
browser to:

The journal is also available by gopher or ftp:

  gopher:   gopher.uidaho.edu   (menu choice:  University of Idaho
Electronic Publications)

  anonymous ftp:  www.lib.uidaho.edu (directory: /pub/egj)
PLEASE NOTE: gif files (graphics) must be ftp-ed in BINARY mode

Subscriptions are also available by email.  ASCII text versions of the
contents of the journal will be emailed to subscribers.  To subscribe,
email to:
with the following in the body of the message:
  subscribe egj your_email_address (substitute your preferred email
address here)

Original contributions from authors are welcome.  Guidelines for
authors are available from the editors.  Send contributions,
advertisements, requests for guidelines, or requests for any other
information about the journal to:

Maria Jankowska,  majanko@uidaho.edu
Mike Pollastro, mikep@uidaho.edu
Francis Griego, fsg@aruba.ccit.arizona.edu

The contents of volume 2, issue 1 are listed below.  The filename in
the ftp archive precedes the author and/or title of each contribution.

ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL Volume 2, Issue 1, April 1995
                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

prorak01.txt Diane Prorak, From the Editor --- Earth Day 1995

stoss01.txt Frederick Stoss, Earth Day 1970-1995: An Information
Perspective    The status of environmental information during the past
twenty five years.

lewis01.txt Deanna L. Lewis and Ron Chepesiuk, The Chlorine Debate:
A Selected Bibliography
Evaluation of sources focusing on one of the world's most widely used
chemicals--chlorine and chlorine-based products.

koebri01.txt Andrew Koebrick, Environmental Information Access Project
in the United States    Information to help environmentalists become
more active users of public libraries.

stoss02.txt Frederick W. Stoss, National Institute for the
The latest information on a new proposed federal agency, the NIE.

brisco01.txt Georgia Briscoe, Library Action Lines
Tips on keeping your library green.

link01.txt Terry Link, Environmental Resources
News in brief of environmentally-related publications, online
databases, and other resources.

pollas01.txt Mike Pollastro, The Ecocruiser
Electronic resources on environmental topics.

carriv01.txt, Kenneth L Carriveau, Jr reviews Environmental Hazards:
Marine Pollution

carriv02.txt, Kenneth L Carriveau, Jr reviews Pest Control In Asia And
The Pacific

kinney01.txt Sheri Kinney reviews Deserts: The Encroaching Wilderness:
A World Conservation Atlas

murphy01.txt Patricia Murphy reviews Reclaiming Our Cities And Towns:
Better Living With Less Traffic

murphy02.txt Patricia Murphy reviews Remarkable Agaves And Cacti

tobin01.txt R. James Tobin reviews The Wilderness Condition:
Essays On Environment And Civilization

higgin01.txt Margaret Higgins reviews Sacred Trusts: Essays On Stewardship
And Responsibility

hanson01.txt Donna M. Hanson reviews World Resources: A Guide To The
Global Environment

carrer01.txt Luis Carrera De La Torre reviews Biodiversity In Ecuador:
History And Reality

shaver01.txt Robert Shaver reviews International Law And The Environment

editors.txt List of editors and advisors for Volume 2, Issue 1

egj-toc.txt Table of Contents for Volume 2, Issue 1
Submitted by:

Mike Pollastro
Associate Editor, Electronic Green Journal
University of Idaho Library, Moscow, ID 83844-2361
208-885-2504 (Voice)  208-885-6817 (Fax)