Re: Reader/Printer for Ultra-microfiche: LAC and LEL Margo Warner Curl 22 Jun 1995 20:33 UTC

Joanne Conroy of St. Bonaventure writes:

>>>We are shopping for an R/P that can make copies of fiche entitled
>>>Library of American Civilization, (LAC) and Library of English
>>>Literature,(LEL) published and manufactured by Encyclopaedia
>>>Britannica in the 1970's.  The pages are greatly reduced on the fiche.
>>>We are in the market for a microform Reader/Printer with a bi-mode
>>>universal carrier.  We have looked at several brands, which are
>>>great for standard positive or negative microfilm and microfiche
>>>but so far have not been shown a model or lens that can handle the
>>>LAC and LEL collections as well.
>>>Since we have an investment in the LAC and LEL collections, including
>>>records of LAC on our automated catalog, we would like to have the
>>>equipment to enable users to copy.

We have a Minolta reader-printer for which we have been able to get a lens
that makes acceptable paper copies of ultrafiche. Contact Tony Bordac
( of our AV dept. for more specific information.


Margo Warner Curl
Technical Services Librarian
Andrews Library, College of Wooster
Wooster  OH  44691

voice: 216/263-2154
fax: 216/263-2253