Question about Journal of Asian History Laura Vogler 28 Jun 1995 17:42 UTC

This question is for anyone who takes a subscription to JOURNAL OF
ASIAN HISTORY.  We order our subscription through an agency.  The
last issue we received is from 1990.  We have paid for 1991 and 1992
but have not received the issues.  Our agency is currently trying to
get the issues that are owed to us or our money back (it seems the
likelihood of either of these two things happening is slim.)
Anyway, we now have to order direct.  Has anyone else had a problem
getting issues owed to them?  Does anyone deal with the publisher
(Otto Harrassowitz Verlag) directly?  What experience have you had
dealing with them?  I tried sending them a fax a couple of months
back and could never get through.

You may respond to me directly.  Your input would be greatly
appreciated because we are trying to decide what to do about this
journal (whether to write it off or attempt to deal with an overseas

Thanks in advance for your help!

Laura Vogler

  Laura Vogler                    
  Wabash College Library
  Crawfordsville, Indiana