Newspaper Check-in (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 30 Jun 1995 03:38 UTC

4 messages, 66 lines:

Date:         Fri, 30 Jun 1995 10:08:00 +1200
From:         David Foreman <DFOREMAN@WAIKATO.AC.NZ>
Subject:      Re: Newspaper Check-in

With regard to Linda Carpenter's newspaper inquiry, I can report that our
Library (University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand) has always had the
policy of never checking in daily newspapers - on the theory that missing
issues tend to be immediately detected. Having moved here from a library which
did check in newspapers, I found this policy saved a lot of trouble - and now
that we are automating checkin, I suspect we are going to save ourselves even
more trouble.
                              David Foreman, Head of Serials

Date:         Thu, 29 Jun 1995 17:10:21 -0500
From:         John Wynstra <John.Wynstra@UNI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Newspaper Check-in

The main problem I see with not checking in newspapers has to do with
knowing whether or not you received an issue.  Patrons often come
looking for newspapers before they have actually arrived.  It seems to
me that you would want to be able to give them a firm answer as to
whether or not you have received todays issue of your local paper or
USA Today, etc.   Also, how do you claim a paper that you do not have
any means of verifying that you have received it or not?

John Wynstra
Periodicals Services Librarian
University of Northern Iowa

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 1995 15:52:23 -0700
From: Ron Phillips <>
Subject: Re: Newspaper Check-in

Yes, we are still checking in all of our newspapers, and replacing them with
film.  It's no problem using the DRA system.

Ron Phillips
Sonoma State University

Date:         Thu, 29 Jun 1995 16:47:28 CST
From:         Leveta Hord <HORD@LIBRARY.UTA.EDU>
Organization: UTA Libraries
Subject:      Re: Newspaper Check-in

Linda, would you please report your findings on this issue to me.
The University of Texas at Arlington has recently merged the
acquisitions and cataloging activities into a single dept.  The merged
serials group has weekly meetings to discuss/analyze
existing workflows and in particular to look at processes which
should be "plowed under".

Many thanks for any help.

Leveta Hord
Serials Cataloger
University Libraries
University of Texas at Arlington