ANNOUNCING NEW BACKMED LIST (Amira Aaron) Marcia Tuttle 18 Jul 1995 18:13 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 11:42:02 EDT
From: Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>

RE:  BACK Issues and Duplicate Exchange SERVice - Medical

In response to numerous suggestions and requests by Backserv subscribers,
and due to the heavy use and response to Backserv, it has been decided to
split the list in two - one for messages which deal primarily with
MEDICAL materials (both serials and books), and one for all other types
of materials.  Therefore, we are announcing the creation of the BackMed
List, effective next Monday, July 24, 1995.

Although the actual use of the list will not begin until next Monday, it
is now possible to subscribe to BackMed and instructions are given below.
 Beginning on the 24th, we will ask that all messages which are PRIMARILY
MEDICAL in nature be sent to the BackMed list and not to Backserv.
Messages about any other types of materials should continue to be sent to
the Backserv list.  It will now be possible to subscribe to either the
BackMed or Backserv list, or to both.  And remember that you may still
post messages to both lists, even if you are not subscribed to them.  The
BackMed Welcome and Scope message will outline the policies and
procedures for the list.

To subscribe to the BackMed list, send a message to:     (with no subject line)    and text that

subscribe backmed firstname lastname

To send a message to BackMed, after the 24th, send it to:

Remember that even though you subscribe now to BackMed, you won't start
receving anything except the Welcome message until next Monday, and you
won't be able to post messages to BackMed until next Monday.

BackMed is a service of Readmore and is part of the Backserv project.
Together with the archives of the Backserv list, the archives of BackMed
will be publicly available on the Readmore webserver at:    (in the Electronic Services section)
Archives will be kept for 8 weeks.

The list administrators are Amira Aaron (;
617-860-7224) and Marilyn Geller (;  617-484-7379).
Or leave a message for us at 1-800-221-3306.  Please contact us with
questions or suggestions.  We look forward to hearing from you.  Thank