Credit for Electronic Journal Publication in the UK Stevan Harnad 26 Jul 1995 15:34 UTC> ]
Research Assessment Exercise 1996
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Research Assessment Exercise and Electronic Journals
> HEFCE Circular RAE96 1/94 para 25c states:
> In the light of the recommendations of the Joint Funding Councils'
> Libraries Review Group Report (published in December 1993) refereed
> journal articles published through electronic means will be treated
> on the same basis as those appearing in printed journals.
> This is the result of adopting the following recommendation in
> Librev Chapter 7:
> 289. To help promote the status and acceptability of electronic
> journals, the Review Group also recommends that the funding councils
> should make it clear that refereed articles published electronically
> will be accepted in the next Research Assessment Exercise on the
> same basis as those appearing in printed journals.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

[Stevan Harnad <harnad@ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>]