Job Announcement - Serials Cataloger, U. Of Rochester TESE@DB1.CC.ROCHESTER.EDU 02 Aug 1995 19:24 UTC

Serials Cataloger:  The University of Rochester Library (Rochester, N.Y.)
is seeking an experienced serials cataloger to fill a newly vacated position.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Original/Copy cataloging, retrocon, and authority work for
serials in print, non-print and electronic formats, covering all subject areas
and languages using AACR2, LC classification and LCSH; monitor and maintain
the quality of the local serials database; enhance user access to electronic
staff regarding serials records and problems; supervise two support staff;
participate in planning and decision-making for the department; and, work on
projects and committees which fulfill the Library's mission within the
University.  Depending on subject expertise, the incumbent may be assigned
collection development responsibilities.

QUALIFICATIONS:  ALA-MLS, 3 years post-MLS serials cataloging
experience in an academic library; working knowledge of a foreign
language; experience in the application and use of AACR2, LCSH,
LC classification, MARC formats and holdings standards; experience with
OCLC and an integrated library system; demonstrated experience with a wide
range of electronic information resources such as CD-ROM in a network
environment, the Internet and WWW. Supervisory experience desirable.
Salary: $30,000 minimum depending on qualifications and experience.

Send letter of application, resume, salary requirements, and names-addresses-
telephone numbers of 3 current references to:  Jane Cassidy, Personnel Officer,
Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0055 or
FAX to 716-244-1358.  Questions to  Applications
received by Oct. 1, 1995 will be given first consideration.  EOE/MF