Circulating serials (Frieda Rosenberg) Marcia Tuttle 14 Aug 1995 18:50 UTC

Please reply to Frieda Rosenberg ( not to SERIALST.
Thanks! -ed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 14:38:29 -0400
From: Frieda Rosenberg <friedat@EMAIL.UNC.EDU>
Subject: circulating serials

Our university library (main and branches) is trying to rationalize the
maintenance of serial holdings for all the purposes we need them, which of
late has included circulation of certain categories of serials
(particularly annuals and non-periodical serials).  Circulation and
binding are both under a very decentralized control at the holding
locations, but holdings maintenance (we have DRA and have implemented its
MFHD program) is under a central control where we don't always have access
to information.  We find ourselves needing to code the annuals at the
physical piece level, while periodical holdings remain in broad ranges
or open-ended holdings.  I would appreciate some responses from the field,
particularly from academic libraries with online systems, on maintenance
of holdings and circulation of bound serial volumes.  If you send to me, I
can summarize for the list.

Do you have an integrated system? If not, do you have a separate automated
check-in system?  Does your system include a binding module?

Do you circulate any serials through your automated system? If so, what

Do you manage holdings of bound serial volumes or items in your system ?
With barcodes, or without?  Just those you circulate, or all volumes?

Which staff handle this maintenance: serials staff, staff at holding
locations, other?

Have you implemented the MARC Format for Holdings? If so, can you describe
what levels of detail are used for serial holdings?

Are there any problems or features of your system you would particularly
like to comment on?

Thanks for any and all responses!
Frieda Rosenberg
Serials Cataloging
CB #3914 Davis Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3914
Tel. (919) 962-2050