Message from Gordon & Breach Birdie MacLennan 01 Dec 1995 18:54 UTC

2 messages, 87 lines:

1.  Message from Gordon & Breach
2.  Reply from SERIALST's Moderators


Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 16:46:09 +0100

Pls we would like  you to post this in the serialist

The message posted by Simone Jerome concerning Gordon and Breach contains
many serious misstatements. It denigrates the many talented and prestigious
scientists, including Nobel Laureates, whose work appears not only in Gordon
and Breach publications, but in the publications of other prominent
publishers as well. Other statements about Gordon and Breach's prices and
the importance of its publications are absurdly untrue and irrelevant to the
previously posted discussions. The last message from IPD clearly stated our
policy of maintaining the highly international and respected peer review
process, which our editors manage for our journals.

With a history of over 35 years of publishing in the sciences and arts,
Gordon and Breach now has over 300 journals publishing hundreds of thousands
of pages each year, over 5,000 books in print, and a growing trade magazine
program for professionals and consumers.  We hope that Serialst shows better
judgement in the future than to allow these slanderous statements through
its moderators.  We also hope that readers will discern between this blind
statement of ill-will, and the other critical statement that was raised in a
rational manner and to which we responded in a like manner.   Thank you.



Reply from SERIALST's Moderators:

SERIALST was founded in 1990 in order to serve as an informal electronic
discussion forum for most aspects of serials processing in libraries.
SERIALST's Scope & Purpose statement(1) states quite clearly in its
disclaimer that:

*** Disclaimer: The University of Vermont offers SERIALST as a public
service.  It does not verify the accuracy of submitted messages, nor
does it endorse opinions expressed by contributors to the SERIALST forum
Authors of messages to SERIALST are solely responsible for their content
The moderators reserve the right to reject postings that do not
fall within the scope and purpose of the list. ***

We trust and hope that the contributors to the SERIALST forum have
duly considered the message(s) they submit for posting and accept full
responsibility for their content.  As moderators, we also trust and
hope for a reasonable amount of courtesy and consideration of others
in any exchanges that take place, though we also have an inherent
belief in democracy and free speech and realize that there are many
pressing issues in the serials world that are not without controversy
-- and people need a forum to have their say.

We also trust and hope that contributors to the SERIALST forum keep
the tone of the discussions on-scope, civilized, and information-
oriented so that we can all gather useful and meaningful perspectives
on the issues affecting our workplace and the serials environment.
SERIALST is currently busier and more active than it has been at
any other time in its five year history.  We do try to post
everything that is sent that is within the scope of SERIALST.
Now, more than ever, we need an open forum for discussing
important, timely, and especially controversial issues.  At the
same time, with so much information surrounding us, we need to
choose our words wisely and weigh the consequences of what we
transmit to the world.


Birdie MacLennan        Ann Ercelawn                   Marcia Tuttle
Listowner & Moderator   Associate Moderator            Associate Moderator

(1) SERIALST's Scope & Purpose is sent to new subscribers, posted to the
list several times each year, and is also available from the fileserver, with a  GET SERIALST WELCOME   request and
on the Web at: