Re: Predictive Claim Intervals (Judy Cerqua) Ann Ercelawn 01 Dec 1995 21:45 UTC

Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 14:02:50 -0500
From: Judy Cerqua <jcerqua@SLONET.OHIO.GOV>
Subject: Re: Predictive Claim Intervals (Bill Benson)


At the State Library of Ohio we use the following claim parameters in our
INNOPAC system:

    Daily -      claim after 3 days
    Weekly -     claim after 7 days
    bi-monthly - claim after 7 days
    monthly -    claim after 15 days
    quarterly -  calim after 30 days
    semi-annuals/annual - claim after 60 days past due
    all other frequencies - claim after 90 days past due.

Hope this helps.

Judith Cerqua
Head, Acquisitions/Processing
State Library of Ohio