Re: Message from Gordon & Breach L. Hunter Kevil 04 Dec 1995 19:17 UTC

I would like to reply to some of the statements in Madeleine Villard's
recent posting and the issues raised.

Like many others in the serials community, I feel that the open nature
of the discussions carried on through the moderated forum that is
Serialst is very valuable, indeed precious. Any attempt to stifle open
discussion is a threat to a very important part of our professional
existence. So when an organization not known for reluctance to enter the
legal arena characterizes a contribution to Serialst as "slanderous", I
for one begin to be concerned.

Two points. First, I hope that many of my colleagues will join me in
expressing strong support for open discussion and condemn the kind of
spin control and implied bullying we have just seen.

Second, the real issue before us is not the quality of contribution to
Gordon & Breach journals, but rather G & B's _business practices_. The
recent posting did not address _business practices_ in any substantive
manner, and I would like to see G & B respond to the concerns expressed
in earlier postings in a positive, non-threatening, and helpful
manner. In particular, I hope that G & B will either explain _in
detail_ what was "slanderous" or withdraw the accusation. I challenge
Gordon & Breach to support publically the open nature of discussions
in Serialst and state that they will not attempt to control our
discussions via legal action or the threat of legal action.

L. Hunter Kevil
Head, Serials Department
University of Missouri-Columbia