*John Coutts Library Services (9 messages) Birdie MacLennan 06 Dec 1995 22:12 UTC

9 messages, 192 lines
[two addresses given (Canada & USA) in eight messages;
email address given in message no. 5.  -ed.]

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 10:13:30 -0900
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Sandy Forster wrote:
> Can someone out there please let me know the address of Coutts? ...

You might try this address. It's the latest I have.

Coutts Library Services Inc.
1823 Maryland Ave.
Niagara Falls, New York
phone: (716)282-8627 or (800)772-4304
fax: (905)356-5064

Susan M. Singler
Univ.of Alaska Fairbanks

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:31:05 +0000
From:         Fiona Tipple <FTIPPLE@ACADAMH.UCD.IE>
Organization: University College Dublin
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

John Coutts Library Services Ltd
6900 Kinsmen Court
P.O. Box 1000
Niagara Falls, Ont.,
Canada L2E 7E7

PS They can accept EDI orders via First Edition now!

Fiona Tipple
Acquisitions Librarian
Main Library
University College Dublin
Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: (353-1-)706 7575
FAX: (353-1-)706 1148
E-mail: FTipple@ACADAMH.UCD.IE

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 14:02:00 -0500
From:         Steve Andreacola <andreacola@ONTLA.OLA.ORG>
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

         The address for John Coutts Library Services Ltd. is now:

         6900 Kinsmen Court
         P.O. Box 1000
         Niagara Falls, Ontario
         L2E 7E7

         Glad to be of service!

         Steve Andreacola
         Legislative Library of Ontario

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 13:58:05 EST
From:         "Sternberg, Evelyn" <esternberg@HDQTRS.CRCPRESS.COM>
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

          Coutts Library Service
          1823 Maryland Ave.
          P.O.Box 1000
          Niagara Falls, NY 14302

          Evelyn Sternberg
          Sales Representative
          CRC Press  esternberg@crcpress.com

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 11:43:52 -0800
From:         "M. Oden" <moden@SIRIUS.COM>
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

>Can someone out there please let me know the address of Coutts?
Don't have their new address but I do have their email address if it helps.


Marianne Oden, Head of Acquisitions
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 649-2531 or 2530       (510) 649-1417 fax

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 15:17:07 -0500
From:         "Shirley A. Posner,Butler Lib SUCB"
Organization: from SUNY College at Buffalo, NY 14222
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

The address we have for Coutts Library Service is:

Coutts Library Service
1823 Maryland Avenue
P.O. Box 1000
Niagara Falls, New York  14302-1000

Shirley A. Posner            Voice - 716-878-6311
Librarian                    Internet - posnersa@snybufaa.cs.snybuf.edu
E. H. Butler Library         Bitnet - posnersa@snybufaa.bitnet
Buffalo State College
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, New York  14222

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 16:00:05 -0500
From:         Edvika Popilskis <epopilskis@REEDREF.COM>
Subject:      John Coutts Library Services -request for info. -Reply

The address of John Coutts Library Services Ltd. is:

          6900 Kinsmen,
          P.O. Box 1000
          Niagara Falls, ON L2E 7E7
         tel. 905-356-6382
         fax  905-356-5064

I am pleased that the information is of assistance to you.


Edvika Popilskis
Managing Editor
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
e-mail: epopilskis@reedref.com
tel.: (908) 665 2875
fax:  (908) 771 7725

Date:         Wed, 6 Dec 1995 16:24:20 -0500
From:         Nancy Verstreate <verstrea@ALPHA.SUNYNIAGARA.CC.NY.US>
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

 Coutts' address is:
    Coutts Library Services Inc.
    1823 Maryland Ave.
    Niagara Falls, NY   14302-1000
    (716) 282-8627
    (800) 772-4304

Nancy Verstreate
Technical Services Librarian
Niagara County Community College
3111 Saunders Settlement Road
Sanborn, NY   14132
(716) 731-3271

Date:         Thu, 7 Dec 1995 09:08:22 +22303754
From:         Stephen Lacey <slacey@NLA.GOV.AU>
Subject:      Re: John Coutts Library Services -request for info.

Coutts address is:

John Coutts Library Services Ltd.
6900 Kinsmen Court
Niagara Falls  Ontario
L2E 7E7   Canada
Fax: 905 356 5064


      T T T T T T T T        Stephen Lacey, OIC Serial Orders
      I I I I I I I I        S.Lacey@nla.gov.au
      I I I I I I I I        National Library of Australia
      T T T T T T T T        Phone: +616 2621321
    ===================      Fax: +616 2734322