Re: Newspaper Collection Development Policies Lee Cheng Ean 07 Dec 1995 17:44 UTC

Arlene Weible <aweible@WILLAMETTE.EDU> wrote:
> We are in the process of writing a comprehensive collection development
> policy for the first time here at Willamette Univ. (I know we are a
> little slow ...) We already have a policy in place for periodicals, but I
> want to also include a separate section on newspapers.
> I am seeking examples of policies related specifically to the selection
> and retention of newspapers...

Hello everyone,

I am also interested in examples of such policies.  I am also in the
process of reviewing our periodicals and newspaper collection policy
having just assumed the post of Acting Head of the Serials Department at
the Central Library in the National University of Singapore.

I would appreciate it if you could please forward copies of your policies
to me.

Thank you very much.

Mrs Lee Cheng Ean                         Tel: (065)-772-2035
Acting Head                               Fax: (065)-777-3571
Serials Department                        E-mail:
Central Library
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119260