DEU-L (Duplicate Exchange Union List) & Archives (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 08 Dec 1995 23:58 UTC

2 messages, 60 lines:

Date:         Fri, 8 Dec 1995 11:22:14 -0600
From:         "Joy E. Jewett" <>
Organization: North Central Bible College
Subject:      Re: DEU-L Archives (re. Duplicate Exchange Union)

Colette M. Elick wrote:
> In the vol. 10, no. 4 (September 1995) issue of The Nasig Newsletter
> there is a report (pg. 26) from the NASIG 10th Annual Conference on a
> workshop titled "Trading Back Issues on the Internet."  The report
> discusses the DEU (Duplicate Exchange Union), but doesn't elaborate on
> whether it's still a listserv or now a gopher.  Does anyone have any
> information on the DEU?  If so, please respond.  Thanks!

DEU does have electronic access.  They have a listserv.  To
subscribe, you send an E-mail message to
Include the message "SUBSCRIBE DEU-L  firstname lastname"

In addition to the listserv with archives, DEU also has a database of
exchange lists which is searchable  and thirdly they have a directory
of the participants addresses.

Access to electronic DEU project can also be found on WWW.  That
address is

Hope this helps.

Any questions may be addressed to DEU-L listserv or to Janice
Lange, Chair, DEU Committee.

Joy Jewett
North Central Bible College
910 Elliot Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN  55404
ph: (612) 343-4158

Date:         Fri, 8 Dec 1995 08:03:17 -0500
From:         Gregory Szczyrbak <gszczyrb@MARAUDER.MILLERSV.EDU>
Subject:      Re: DEU-L Archives (re. Duplicate Exchange Union)

It is a listserv and can be subscribed to at
That address is from memory, so I am not one hundred percent sure that it
is the correct one.

Gregory Szczyrbak
Millersville University
Ganser Library
Millersville, PA 17603