ALA Midwinter Meeting Announcements (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 19 Dec 1995 22:14 UTC

ALA Midwinter Announcements: 2 messages, 87 lines:
1.  ALCTS Serials Section Education Committee:
    "Serials Education Town Meeting"
2.  SISAC Programs at ALA Midwinter

Date:         Tue, 19 Dec 1995 14:35:58 CST
From:         Beatrice McKay <BMCKAY@TRINITY.EDU>
Organization: Trinity University
Subject:      Midwinter Meeting Announcement


Please join fellow serialists and educators for a "Serials
Education Town Meeting" at ALA Midwinter, sponsored by the
Serials Section Education Committee of ALA/ALCTS.  An open
forum is planned to discuss the question:  "What are our
serials education needs today?"  We seek your participation
as serialists and educators on Saturday, January 20, 9:30-
11:30 AM, at the Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 10.
The Serials Section Education Committee furthers education
efforts in the area of serials librarianship from library
school instruction and practices to all types of continuing
education.  It identifies needs and makes recommendations
for the content of such educational opportunities and seeks
to establish liaison between the committee and other bodies
having similar interests.

For further information, contact Bea McKay, Chair, at:
Beatrice L. McKay              Internet:
Serials Cataloger              Phone: (210)736-7292
Maddux Library                 Fax:   (210)735-3342
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

Date:         Tue, 19 Dec 1995 16:58:28 EST
From:         Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM>
Subject:      SISAC Programs at ALA Midwinter
Comments: To:,

SISAC, the Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee, is pleased to
announce the following program and meetings at ALA Midwinter in San
Antonio.  Please mark your calendars and join us.  For further
information, call the SISAC office at (212) 929-1393 or e-mail:  You can also check the SISAC homepage at

PROGRAM - "Implications of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)"

           Friday, January 19th, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
           Marriott Rivercenter, Conference Room 2

SISAC will sponsor an educational program on EDI at ALA Midwinter.  The
centerpiece of the program will be a reprise, in part, of the successful
LAMA-sponsored program on EDI presented on Tuesday in Chicago in June
1995.  This will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the practical
aspects of implementing EDI and speak with some of the leaders in the
field about this very important topic.  Speakers will include Friedemann
Weigel, Harrassowitz;  Joan Griffith, Immediate Past Chair of SISAC; and
Sandra Hurd, EBSCO.  If you missed last summer's program or if you would
like to hear some of the presentations on EDI again, please join us on
Friday morning for a stimulating session on a topic of immediate

GENERAL MEETING: "The RFP Process: Why Getting Z39.50 Will Not Give You
                  Saturday, January 20th, 4:30-6:30 pm
                  Convention Center - Centro D

   Everyone is invited to attend this important SISAC meeting.

SISAC EDUCATION/         Saturday, January 20th, 11:30-12:30
 PUBLICITY MEETING       Holiday Inn Riverwalk - Flamenco
                         Brown Bag Lunch - BYO everything

  We need your help in our education and publicity efforts!