SERIALST Suspended During Holidays (dates, nomail, et al.) Birdie MacLennan 20 Dec 1995 20:53 UTC

Greetings from Vermont, where the winters are long, the snow is deep,
the sub freezing temperatures are not for the faint of heart, and the
listowner and moderators of SERIALST will be taking a few days off (away
from e-mail!) to enjoy the season.

The moderators will not be posting messages to SERIALST on December 23-27
-- that is, Monday-Wednesday of next week.  We will resume posting on
Dec. 28-29  and be off again for the new year (Dec. 30-Jan.1)

If you have a message that you'd like to post to SERIALST before Dec. 28,
please send it to the list before 5 p.m. EST on Friday, Dec. 22.  (we don't
post messages on the weekends, in case you haven't noticed -- you'd be
surprised how much unreceived mail bounces back to the listowner's account
on weekends!)

Several of you have sent messages asking how to stop mail during the
holidays.  If you want to stop SERIALST mail while you go on vacation, etc.
send a 3 word e-mail message to:
                     that reads:    set serialst nomail

<<If you get a message back saying that you're not subscribed to the list
(despite the fact that you're still receiving mail) it probably means
you've had a change of address and will need to be manually unsubscribed
and resubscribed under your new address in order for the command to work.
(send me an e-mail message if you need help)>>

To resume mail, once you're back, send a 3 word e-mail message to:    that reads:   set serialst mail

For other information about mail settings, see the SERIALST Scope
& Purpose statement (
or send a 3 word e-mail message to:  that
reads:  get serialst welcome)

In the meantime, best wishes to everyone for the holidays & new year.
Stay warm, travel safely (or stay at home!) but don't look for too much
mail from SERIALST!

    Birdie MacLennan
    SERIALST Listowner/Moderator
    University of Vermont